It’s time to harness the magic of both your mind & your body

Embodied Transformation for the Bold & the Brave.

Life is a collection of stories…

We inherit these stories from past events, from our families and from society. These stories tell us about who we are and they directly affect the way we feel about ourselves and what we’re able to achieve. And when those feelings are unexpressed or unprocessed, they’re stored in the body as energy. This can show up as anxiety, self doubt and sabotaging or limiting behaviours.

Now imagine a world where you feel safe in your mind & your body.

Where you have total control of the way you feel and the stories you tell yourself. Where you get to decide what affects you, and how you react to the twists and turns of life. Imagine being in control of your internal narrative, certain of what you’re capable of, and what you truly deserve.

It’s time to remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be.

Hello Lovely,

I’m Becca. I’m a Healer, Coach & Mentor.

I’m Trauma informed and qualified in Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Breath-work and Positive Psychology Coaching. I like to take the science of these amazing wellness tools and mix them with the Spirituality and “Woo” of what it is to be human. Because let’s face it… when it’s good, life can be pretty magical!

My job isn’t to change you, but to help you find the very best of you. The parts that are hidden or forgotten, that you maybe didn't even know existed - and bring that energy into the light. I call it ‘Energy Alchemy’.

It’s something I have a gift for.

Are you ready to step into a new world, where your success & magnetism is at the core of everything you do? Where your worth is no longer tied to your past, and the future is yours to discover? Where the relationships you desire and the life you crave are all available to you?

Once upon a time I changed my life & then the lives of many others…

I can help you change yours.

Becca x

You’re in the right place if you struggle with…

  • Anxiety

  • Guilt

  • Limiting Beliefs

  • Mother Wound

  • Fear of change

  • Perfectionism

  • Abandonment issues

  • Negative Self-talk

  • Self Sabotage

  • Imposter Syndrome

  • Money Blocks

  • People Pleasing

  • Co-dependency

  • Procrastination

This is Embodied Healing…

By changing the way you think and processing your feelings, you'll create a world where you feel comfortable and confident enough to face life head on. A world where you have so much faith in yourself and your abilities, that you trust your intuition and back yourself - no matter what.

And by shifting your energy, releasing what no longer serves you and locking in a new way of feeling, a new way of BEING, you can carry this new empowered version of you forward long after our work together.

I’m here to help you heal the parts that are holding you back. So that you can know your worth, write a new story, and live your dream life.

It’s time…

To feel EMPOWERED. To let go of thoughts and behaviours that no longer serve you. To finally feel free to create a life that truly lights you up.

“Super impactful…powerful…just in one session. That’s insane!” - A.S

How I helped Katie…

Katie Crenshaw; Blogger, Speaker and Women’s Wellness Advocate shares her experience of working with me…

Let’s chat!

I offer various 1:1 packages, along with group, in person and on line events.

I am now also offering ‘Sister Circles’.

Have you got something to celebrate or just want to get your friends together to heal and connect? ‘Sister Circles’ are a beautiful combination of Guided Breath-work, Visualisation and Energy Healing for up to 15 women. Because when women work together, ‘magick’ happens.

Official Consultant for Clementine App in partnership with Boots No7

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